
Shop Outside the Box
Over the last decade, shoppers have laid to rest the paper-or-plastic question once and for all by using a set of reusable shopping bags. It’s a simple way to use less. Just like giving up plastic bags, eco-conscious stores and shoppers are going beyond the bag to eliminate unnecessary packaging altogether. Just imagine a shopping cart filled with food and not a single box, can or […]
Green With Beauty
When Gabrielle Anwar was a little girl, growing up in a Middlesex, England country village, she made more caterpillar egg cartons than she can remember. It wasn’t that the actress’s family couldn’t afford toys. “We’re not big spenders and we lived a very simple life,” she says. “It was the 1970s and Green Peace wasn’t hip, but it was an emerging movement. However, I always found the […]

Should I Monitor My Energy Use?
According to a University of Oxford study, people who monitored their energy use saved 5 to 15 percent more energy. Still not convinced? Here are just a few reasons to try energy monitoring. Understand energy costs of ‘vampire’ devices, long showers, leaving the lights on, keeping the HVAC system on, etc. Detect if appliances need […]

Shiny and Just Like Eco-New
After assembling a work crew to build an eco-friendly home from the ground up, Amy Holmwood observed that not all of the contractors were green to the core. A company hired to install insulation made of recycled newspaper used a diesel generator to power the equipment instead of a cleaner, greener power source like solar. […]

Legacy of the Voyager Continues to Inspire
The legacy of the Voyager continues to inspire us by connecting us with the sea. It’s been almost 60 years since the Voyager boat first graced the waters of the Pacific in Redondo Beach. In its long history, the vessel carried passengers out to fishing barges for the local catch and has been a proving ground […]